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发布者:admin 发布时间:2020/2/25 阅读:5589

当终端不在会议中时,您只能选择本地摄像机。当终端在会议中时,您可以选择本地摄 像机或远端摄像机。
请先选择“高级 > 设置 > 视频 > 公共设置 > 视频输入”,设置参数“视频源选择”为 “启用”。
说明:屏幕的左上角会有文字显示远端摄像机控制或本地摄像机控制,按遥控器的键,切换本远端 摄像机控制。


How does a TE endpoint control local or remote cameras?
If the endpoint is not in a conference, you can select only the local camera. When the endpoint is in a conference, you can select a local camera or a remote camera.
Choose Advanced > Settings > Video > Common Settings > Video Input and set Video Source Selection to Enable.
Select a camera as follows:
Press the camera button on the remote control, and then select a local or remote camera in the lower right corner of the screen.
Note: A text is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen, indicating whether to control the local or remote camera. Press on the remote control to switch between the local and remote cameras.

上一条:TE60连接三个摄像机如何控制 下一条:华为vpc600/620摄像机控制线线序及针脚定义